Monday, April 22, 2024

Greece - Amanda Tenfjord - Die Together

8 - 215 pts   3 - 211 pts in semi 1
Amanda Georgiadis Tenfjord will represent Greece in Turin. Her song, Die Together, was presented by ERT on March 10. Watch the video here at ERT.
Die Together was written by Amanda Tenfjord herself with Bjørn Helge Gammelsæter.

The digital single was released on March 11 but an earlier version was on soundcloud a few months earlier.

Here's Amanda's follow up single Arcade. (Yes, that one)

In Hindsight
Amanda released her album In Hindsight in 2022 (digital followed by a vinyl LP version in 2023. It includes the regular version of Die Together (Propeller records)

Die together - single / ESC version
- digital 11-3, on the official album, LP In Hindsight
Die together - Acoustic with choir
- digital 29-4
Die together - karaoke
- on the official karaoke album (digital)
An earlier demo version was featured on Soundcloud
Acoustic version digital release image

Links and sources:
Amanda Tenfjord: Website, FB, Insta
ERT Eurovision FB

1 comment:

  1. Acoustic version out now:


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