17 - 15 pts in semi 1
LPS (Last Pizza Slice) represented Slovenia in Turin with the song Disko.
The song is written by the band themselves: Filip Vidušin, Žiga Žvižej, Gašper Hlupič, Mark Semeja, Zala Velenšek.
The song is written by the band themselves: Filip Vidušin, Žiga Žvižej, Gašper Hlupič, Mark Semeja, Zala Velenšek.
The digital single was released on April 1.
Disko is performed in Slovenian, here's the EMA presentation video.
Disko - single/ESC version
- digital 10-4, on the official album
Disko - karaoke
- on the official karaoke album (digital)
Picture from RTVSLO EMA Facebook |
LPS: new Website, FB, Insta, Linktree,
EMA Pages at RTVSLO, FB, Insta
The digital single is now out: